Peptide Therapy

Better Health through Better Living

Peptide Therapy Specialist in Florida

Peptide therapy is an innovative form of medical treatment that has been gaining popularity in recent years. Peptides are small chains of amino acids that play important roles in various biological processes within the body. By harnessing the power of peptides, doctors and scientists have developed peptide therapies that can help treat a wide range of health conditions.

One area where peptide therapy has shown tremendous promise is in the field of anti-aging medicine. As we age, our bodies naturally produce fewer peptides, which can lead to a variety of health issues such as decreased muscle mass and bone density, impaired cognitive function, and skin aging. However, by supplementing with specific peptides, it is possible to restore balance to these systems and improve overall well-being. Another application for peptide therapy is in the treatment of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

Peptide therapy has been in use for several decades, and its use has been growing in recent years due to advances in research and technology. Peptide therapy has been used to treat a wide range of conditions, including inflammatory disorders, autoimmune diseases, and hormonal imbalances, among others.

The time it takes for peptide therapy to work can vary depending on the type of peptide being used and the condition being treated. Some patients may experience improvement within a few days, while others may take several weeks to see results.

Types Of Peptide Therapy

At Ambrosia Health Spa, we utilize many different peptide therapies to help patients achieve better results from conditions they may be suffering from

Nerve pain peptides

ARA 290

This peptide works on the peripheral and central nervous system. It has the ability to help regrow some types of nerves. It is mostly used for neuropathic pain or pain in general. Though, this peptide can do a wide range of different things. ARA 290 works on the innate repair receptor that is activated with injury or inflammation. It can inhibit the pro-inflammatory response of the body. It can work against an overactive immune system to down regulate how the immune system would handle insults that may not actually be foreign bodies trying to attack the body. This could lead to help in autoimmune conditions as well. Some areas of interest for this peptide include increasing insulin sensitivity, nerve pain, heart and cardiovascular disease among a few of the disease processes noted. It can up regulate energy in the cell as well.

Helps with:
– Shingles
– Sarcoidosis
– Insulin sensitivity
– Diabetic retinopathy
– Nerve pain
– Mild traumatic brain injuries
– Potentially heart and cardiovascular diseases
– Potentially neurodegenerative disorders (Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s)
– Potentially spinal cord injuries
– Potentially stroke


This peptide has been used in Europe for sometime now to help with age related cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s, dementia and traumatic brain injuries. In nerve pain, cerebyolysin works on the TRPV 1 receptor that controls pain.

Helps with:
– Alzheimer’s
– Dementia
– Nerve pain
– Concussions
– Stroke

Libido peptides


This peptide is known for its libido enhancing capabilities. PT141 works on the melanocortin system. The peptide increase erections in men and is used as an erectile dysfunction drug as well as libido enhancer (Molinoff). The increased libido also works in women too. Since this drug acts on the central nervous system, more men will respond to this treatment over using drugs such as Viagra and Cialis. The peptide will help men and women have shorter refractory periods between orgasms (Diamond).

– Libido
– Erectile dysfunction

Melanotan II

This peptide changes the melanin in the skin. The peptide works on what is called the alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH). People who start on this sunless tanning peptide find their melanin in their skin darkens with use. An increased exposure to sunlight will increase the production of melanin tremendously. The peptide PT-141 is a derivative of melanotan II. Therefore, some increased libido is seen while using melanotan II. Melanotan II helps protect the skin from burning by placing down more melanin, which acts as a natural sunblock.

– Tanning
– Weight loss
– Libido
– Vitaligo
– Prevents skin from burning in UV light

Cosmetic peptides

Melanotan I

Melanotan I works at creating more melanin in the skin. Melanin deposits act as a natural sunblock at the cellular level. Melanotan tanning injections may offer a way to bring upon a safe, cosmetic tan with less damage. Melanotan I is related to Melanotan II but is a shorter amino acid sequence. Melanotan I has a shorter half life of Melanotan II. Typically people need to dose Melanotan I twice daily.

– Tanning
– Vitaligo
– Prevents skin from burning in UV light

Melanotan II

This peptide changes the melanin in the skin. The peptide works on what is called the alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH). People who start on this sunless tanning peptide find their melanin in their skin darkens with use. An increased exposure to sunlight will increase the production of melanin tremendously. The peptide PT-141 is a derivative of melanotan II. Therefore, some increased libido is seen while using melanotan II. Melanotan II helps protect the skin from burning by placing down more melanin, which acts as a natural sunblock.

– Tanning
– Weight loss
– Libido
– Vitaligo
– Prevents skin from burning in UV light


This combination of peptides repairs skin and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. It is also used for hair growth in clients. The Argireline and Leuphasyl combination add in botox like effects with the ability to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by ~30% in 30 days (Lim). GHK-cu is a great peptide not only for skin but also for it’s ability to help with wound healing. It is used often topically for the face or other areas to reduce wrinkles. It can help with hyperpigmentation or UV radiation damage. Though, it is hypothesized that CHK-cu can also help with age-related cognitive decline when used as an injectable (Pickart).

Helps with:
– Improves elasticity
– Tightens skin in clinical studies
– Improves skin density and firmness
– Improves photo-damage and hyperpigmentation
– Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
– Improve skin clarity
– Increases keratinocyte production
– Reverses thinning skin
– Repairs skin
– Helps smooth rough skin
– Protects skin from the harmful UV radation
– Increases hair growth, thickness and enlarges hair follicle size
– Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory
– Possibly age-associated neurodegeneration and cognitive decline

Growth hormone peptides

CJC and Ipamorelin

As we age, hormones in our body start to decline. We have decrease in growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1). IGF1 is what we see raised through taking growth hormone. We also see an increase cellular cortisol (stress hormone). There is a marked decrease in muscle mass and strength. Our insulin sensitivity goes down leading us towards more fat gain. Our cognitive function and memory start to decline. The immune system does not function nearly as well as we age too. Our mitochondria (the powerhouse of each cell in our body) no longer are able to multiply as well as when we were younger.

Growth hormone controls many things in the body such body composition (body fat and lean muscle mass), sleep cycle, bone density, muscle mass, immune function, sexual function, mood, memory, cognition, cardiovascular capacity, endurance, energy, exercise capacity, and glucose utilization. Growth hormone increases levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). IGF-1 has had multiple studies performed finding things such as high levels of IGF-1 in older men show increased cancer mortality (2). Other studies have found that increased levels of IGF1 lead to decrease risk of mortality (3). When growth hormone is given, it needs to be cycled off and on. The growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) CJC increases growth hormone and IGF-1 levels through a feedback loop in the body (4). Due to being used in a feedback loop, it does not shut down the body’s natural production of growth hormone produced in the pituitary, which happens when just giving growth hormone. The growth hormone-releasing peptide (GRHP) Ipamorelin acts in a similar way on the pituitary as CJC. It increases growth hormone and IGF-1 levels through a feedback loop to the pituitary. Ipamorelin also reduces cell death, decrease reactive oxygen species (ROS), bring down inflammation, and increases how well antioxidants are used in the body. The protective effects of Ipamorelin have been seen in the heart, brain, nerves, stomach, intestines and liver. A reduction in scar tissue post injury has also been seen. Increase ability to create muscle and an inhibition of breakdown of muscle has been found with use of Ipamorelin (1).

Utilizing CJC/Ipamorelin on a daily basis 5 days a week can pulse the growth hormone that is being released from the pituitary. Typically this combination takes roughly 3 months to see peak clinical effectiveness.\

What should you expect from CJC/Ipamorelin:
The first thing most patients start to notice is an increase in sleep quality. Sleep is one of the most important things in our lives. Dreams can become more vivid. Waking up feeling refreshed also is seen typically in the first two weeks. In the second week, repair in the body starts to become more noticeable. Recovery from exercise is seen during this time. Weeks 3 and 4 have an increase in cognition and feeling like memory becomes easier. Weeks 6 and beyond see a change in body composition with increased lean muscle mass and decreased fat. As lean muscle mass increases, an increase in metabolism occurs. This increased metabolism means more calories being burned off without having to make any dietary changes.

Helps with:
– Body composition – Body fat decrease, lean muscle mass increase
– Sleep cycle – slow wave sleep
– Bone density
– Muscle mass
– Immune function
– Sexual function
– Mood
– Memory
– Cognition
– Cardiovascular capacity
– Endurance
– Energy
– Exercise capacity
– Glucose utilization
– Recovery
– Wound healing
– Heart protection
– Stops telomere shortening
– Activates stem cells
– Neuronal repair
– Works synergistically with hormone replacement therapy
– Chronic renal failure
– Chronic respiratory disease


Tesamorelin is a growth hormone releasing hormone that has been used for body composition. Currently it is the most effective growth hormone releasing peptide on the market. It has several potential benefits over the use of any other growth hormone releasing hormone currently available. It is much better for body composition. Tesamorelin also is much better in people over the age of 60. Tesamorelin has been shown to be useful in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. It can help improve growth hormone levels. It takes roughly 3 weeks to see peak clinical benefit. It can reach maximum insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels in 2 weeks.
Ipamorelin is a growth hormone releasing peptide. The combination of a growth hormone releasing peptide and growth hormone releasing hormone creates a synergistic effect that is about 7X more effective than using either alone.

Utilizing Tesamorelin/Ipamorelin on a daily basis 6 days a week can pulse the growth hormone that is being released from the pituitary.

What should you expect from Tesamorelin/Ipamorelin:
The first thing that is typically seen is an increase in deep sleep. People report feeling more rested. The next thing that is noticed is an increase in cognition. Memory improves as well as overall mood. After about 4-6 weeks, body composition changes are seen. A decrease in fat and an increase in lean muscle are seen quicker on this peptide combination than with the other growth hormone releasing hormones and growth hormone releasing peptides.

– Abdominal fat loss
– Increased lean muscle mass
– Decreased fat around muscles
– Liver
– Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
– Heart
– Reduces triglycerides
– Raises IGF-1 levels
– Reduces Triglycerides
– Reduces Visceral Adipose Tissue
– Reduces Carotid Intima Media Size
– Improves cognition in people over 60 years of age
– Promotes deep sleep
– Bone density
– Immune function
– Sexual function
– Mood
– Memory
– Cognition
– Cardiovascular capacity
– Endurance
– Energy
– Exercise capacity
– Glucose utilization
– Recovery
– Wound healing
– Heart protection
– Stops telomere shortening
– Activates stem cells
– Neuronal repair
– Works synergistically with hormone replacement therapy
– Chronic renal failure
– Chronic respiratory disease

Sleep peptides

Delta Sleep Initiating Peptide (DSIP)

This peptide was discovered decades ago and has been used for initiating quality sleep. It can help with deep sleep and aid in reducing insomnia. It can reset the circadian rythm. It can also be used for people who travel often and suffer from jet lag.

Regulate sleep
Increases testosterone
Potentially with chronic pain
Helps with jet lag
Gets circadian rhythm back
Great for addiction patients
Up regulates your own natural melatonin


Epitalon is a very special peptide. It can elongate teleromeres. The question is, what is a telomere? A telomere is part of a chromosome, which is where your DNA is stored. As we age, these telomeres start to shorten. The shortening of telomeres leads to senescence, apoptosis and cancer type transformation in cells. This affects the health and lifespan of an individual. Different things can lead to lengthening or shortening telomere length as we age. The ability to reduce the rate of telomere shortening can lead to a delayed onset of age-associated disease and increased lifespan. Epitalon works on telomerase enzymatic activity. Telomerase is the enzyme that elongates the telomere thus increasing the length of the telomere.

– Lengthen telomeres
– Increase sleep quality
– Possible cancer prevention

Repair peptides


This combination of peptides repairs skin and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. It is also used for hair growth in clients. The Argireline and Leuphasyl combination add in botox like effects with the ability to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by ~30% in 30 days (Lim). GHK-cu is a great peptide not only for skin but also for it’s ability to help with wound healing. It is used often topically for the face or other areas to reduce wrinkles. It can help with hyperpigmentation or UV radiation damage. Though, it is hypothesized that CHK-cu can also help with age-related cognitive decline when used as an injectable (Pickart).

Helps with:
– Improves elasticity
– Tightens skin in clinical studies
– Improves skin density and firmness
– Improves photo-damage and hyperpigmentation
– Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
– Improve skin clarity
– Increases keratinocyte production
– Reverses thinning skin
– Repairs skin
– Helps smooth rough skin
– Protects skin from the harmful UV radation
– Increases hair growth, thickness and enlarges hair follicle size
– Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory
– Possibly age-associated neurodegeneration and cognitive decline
– Reset genes of diseased cells from patients with cancer or COPD to a more healthy state
– Suppress fibrinogen synthesis
– Activates genes of DNA repair
– Activates genes of the antioxidant system


One of the best healing peptides available. This peptide has been said to be a favorite among peptide doctors over and over again. BPC-157 has many unique abilities to heal the body. It was first identified in the gastric juices in the stomach. This peptide has no actual primary effect but instead it is a signaling molecule. BPC has a variety of uses. It is one of the most useful peptides in practice with the versatility that it offers. It can help with tendon, bone and muscle repair. It can prevent or heal gastric ulcers. It protects the stomach against NSAID lesions. It potentially can aid in depression. It can heal bone. This is a great peptide to use before and right after any surgery. BPC has the ability to do a lot of healing throughout the body. It’s a very good to place when it comes to peptide therapies.

– Increases expression of growth hormone receptors
– Improves muscle healing
– Regulates BP
– Treat periodontitis
– Lower need for growth hormone or sex hormones
– Eye injuries
– Repairs tendon
– Repairs muscle
– Repairs intestine
– Repairs bone
– Repairs teeth
– Repairs brain
– Repairs the cornea
– Can modulate blood vessel growth in muscle and tendon healing
– Influences the nitrous oxide system
– Autoimmune
– Promotes liver healing and protect against alcohol and toxins
– Can be used as a neuroprotective such as right after a traumatic brain injury
– Anti-inflammatory
– Arthritis

Thymosin Beta 4

This wonderful peptide has a multitude of uses. It is found in almost all cells. It most notably is seen to increase healing in all areas of the body. Thymosin Beta 4 (TB4) has been found to be useful in dry eye and corneal wound healing disorders (Sonse). It has been found useful in increasing the number of cells that are involved in healing. It also can be found to help these cells move to the area that has been injured. TB4 is anti-inflammatory. It helps promote new blood vessel growth, which can aid in healing. It helps lay down more collagen. It can protect cells against harmful agents that enter the body (Sandersm).

Some areas thymosin beta 4 may help:
– dry eye
– corneal wound healing disorders
– fatty liver disease
– hair growth
– general repair
– cardiac protection
– neuroprotective
– antimicrobial
– decreases scar tissue formation
– improves T cells
– stem cell maturation
– Soft Tissue Repair – tendon, ligament, muscle
– Sports/athletic injuries
– Pressure or venous stasis ulcers
– Conditions requiring immune response modulation
– Brain issues if autoimmunity suspected
– Ischemic stroke
– Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
– Concussion

Pentosan Polysulfate

Pentosan is quite an amazing anti-inflammatory that can be used in cases of osteoarthritis as a weekly therapy. Studies have shown that it can it can help increase cartilage is osteoarthritis joints. It has reduced pain an inflammation in osteoarthritis patients (Kumagai). It also works on infectious arthritis, which has been found more frequently in the united states in the last decade (Herrero). Significant improvement has been found in osteoarthritis. This has been found to be a potent anti-inflammatory agent as well that can be used to bring down inflammation (Ghosh).

Helps with:
– Inhibits metalloprotenase which are all about degradation of tissue
– Potential anti-cancer agent
– Reduce pain and inflammation with osteoarthritis
– Works on kidneys to preserve kidney function
– May prevent kidney stones
– Works on innate and adaptive side of the Th2 cytokines
– Nasal pentosan may help rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, and allergic sinusitis


This peptide has been used in Europe for sometime now to help with age related cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s, dementia and traumatic brain injuries. In nerve pain, cerebyolysin works on the TRPV 1 receptor that controls pain.

Helps with:
– Alzheimer’s
– Dementia
– Nerve pain
– Concussions
– Stroke

Longevity peptides


This combination of peptides repairs skin and reduces fine lines and wrinkles. It is also used for hair growth in clients. The Argireline and Leuphasyl combination add in botox like effects with the ability to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by ~30% in 30 days (Lim). GHK-cu is a great peptide not only for skin but also for it’s ability to help with wound healing. It is used often topically for the face or other areas to reduce wrinkles. It can help with hyperpigmentation or UV radiation damage. Though, it is hypothesized that CHK-cu can also help with age-related cognitive decline when used as an injectable (Pickart).

Helps with:
– Improves elasticity
– Tightens skin in clinical studies
– Improves skin density and firmness
– Improves photo-damage and hyperpigmentation
– Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
– Improve skin clarity
– Increases keratinocyte production
– Reverses thinning skin
– Repairs skin
– Helps smooth rough skin
– Protects skin from the harmful UV radiation
– Increases hair growth, thickness and enlarges hair follicle size
– Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory
– Possibly age-associated neurodegeneration and cognitive decline
– Reset genes of diseased cells from patients with cancer or COPD to a more healthy state
– Suppress fibrinogen synthesis
– Activates genes of DNA repair
– Activates genes of the antioxidant system


Epitalon is a very special peptide. It can elongate teleromeres. The question is, what is a telomere? A telomere is part of a chromosome, which is where your DNA is stored. As we age, these telomeres start to shorten. The shortening of telomeres leads to senescence, apoptosis and cancer type transformation in cells. This affects the health and lifespan of an individual. Different things can lead to lengthening or shortening telomere length as we age. The ability to reduce the rate of telomere shortening can lead to a delayed onset of age-associated disease and increased lifespan. Epitalon works on telomerase enzymatic activity. Telomerase is the enzyme that elongates the telomere thus increasing the length of the telomere.

– Lengthen telomeres
– Increase sleep quality
– Possible cancer prevention

Thymosin Alpha 1

Thymosin alpha 1 (TA1) is an immune modulating peptide, or small protein molecule. It is naturally occurring in the thymus gland. The thymus gland is where the T cell (part of the immune response) matures. The T cell is released when TA1 levels are increased. As we age, the levels of TA1 decrease. Some of the symptoms of deficiency are: fatigue, lack of motivation, physical exhaustion, chronic infections, slow wound healing, joint pain/injury. Helping the immune system could be considered helping longevity. This peptide really helps with overall immune functioining and could be useful for everyone.

Thymosin Alpha 1 helps the immune system:
– Enhances the way the T Cells function. The T Cells are part of the immune system and are given the responsibility of killing targeted pathogens that enter the body
– Rids the body of senescent cells that may lead to cancer growth
– Clears up active and chronic infections
– Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties
– Helps to fight seasonal allergies
– Protects against oxidative damage
– Promotes Th2-Th1 shift decreasing inflammation and increasing ability to fight intracellular infections
– Stimulate production of anti-inflammatory cytokines
– Increases NK cell maturation and activity

Helps with:
– Autoimmune thyroiditis
– Eczema
– Asthma
– Rheumatoid arthritis
– Inflammatory bowel disease (UC/CD)
– May induce contrasting effects in different tissues and different immunologic situations
– Lyme/CFS/FM: Reverses immune suppressive/evasive effects of Lyme
– Antifungal
– Increases antioxidants, including glutathione production
– Inhibits viral replication
– Increases expression of viral antigens on the surface of infected cells (HIV, HBV, HSV)
– Blocks steroid-induced apoptosis of thymocytes

Studies on TA1 have shown it to be significantly lower in chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease (Pica). TA1 has been found to stimulate the immune system. This peptide shows utility in treatment for immune suppression, whether related to aging or to diseases such as infection or cancer (King). The ability to modulate the immune system and up regulate or down regulate different aspects has also been seen. It is currently being studied for treatment in melanoma and breast cancer (Wang). Recently, it has been found to be useful in treatment of severe COVID-19 cases with a reduction of mortality (Liu).

Immune support peptides


This relatively newer peptide is an alpha melanocyte-stimulating hormone. New research on hormones in this class have show immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory effects of these peptides. KPV has a multitude of uses on the auto-immune side as well as the anti-inflammatory side. The peptide comes as a cream, injectable, and oral product. Depending on what the area that needs to be targeted, the route administered plays a large role. KPV works very well as a topical cream for things such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. In an oral form, it can help with ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and Crohn’s disease. The injectable is for an overall anti-inflammatory effect (Luger).

Helps with:
– Cystic acne
– Acne in general
– Crohn’s disease
– Ulcerative colitis
– Irritable bowel syndrome
– Eczema
– Psoriasis
– Mold
– Lyme
– Potential help with multiple sclerosis
– inflammatory skin and eye conditions
– allergic asthma
– arthritis

Thymosin Alpha 1

Thymosin alpha 1 (TA1) is an immune modulating peptide, or small protein molecule. It is naturally occurring in the thymus gland. The thymus gland is where the T cell (part of the immune response) matures. The T cell is released when TA1 levels are increased. As we age, the levels of TA1 decrease. Some of the symptoms of deficiency are: fatigue, lack of motivation, physical exhaustion, chronic infections, slow wound healing, joint pain/injury. Helping the immune system could be considered helping longevity. This peptide really helps with overall immune functioining and could be useful for everyone.

Thymosin Alpha 1 helps the immune system:
– Enhances the way the T Cells function. The T Cells are part of the immune system and are given the responsibility of killing targeted pathogens that enter the body
– Rids the body of senescent cells that may lead to cancer growth
– Clears up active and chronic infections
– Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties
– Helps to fight seasonal allergies
– Protects against oxidative damage
– Promotes Th2-Th1 shift decreasing inflammation and increasing ability to fight intracellular infections
– Stimulate production of anti-inflammatory cytokines
– Increases NK cell maturation and activity

Helps with:
– Autoimmune thyroiditis
– Eczema
– Asthma
– Rheumatoid arthritis
– Inflammatory bowel disease (UC/CD)
– May induce contrasting effects in different tissues and different immunologic situations
– Lyme/CFS/FM: Reverses immune suppressive/evasive effects of Lyme
– Antifungal
– Increases antioxidants, including glutathione production
– Inhibits viral replication
– Increases expression of viral antigens on the surface of infected cells (HIV, HBV, HSV)
– Blocks steroid-induced apoptosis of thymocytes

Studies on TA1 have shown it to be significantly lower in chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease (Pica). TA1 has been found to stimulate the immune system. This peptide shows utility in treatment for immune suppression, whether related to aging or to diseases such as infection or cancer (King). The ability to modulate the immune system and up regulate or down regulate different aspects has also been seen. It is currently being studied for treatment in melanoma and breast cancer (Wang). Recently, it has been found to be useful in treatment of severe COVID-19 cases with a reduction of mortality (Liu).

Melanotan II

This peptide changes the melanin in the skin. The peptide works on what is called the alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH). People who start on this sunless tanning peptide find their melanin in their skin darkens with use. An increased exposure to sunlight will increase the production of melanin tremendously. The peptide PT-141 is a derivative of melanotan II. Therefore, some increased libido is seen while using melanotan II. Melanotan II helps protect the skin from burning by placing down more melanin, which acts as a natural sunblock.

– Tanning
– Weight loss
– Libido
– Vitaligo
– Prevents skin from burning in UV light

What we do

About Ambrosia Health Spa

We specialize in maintaining health, we count with a team of passionate Health Professionals who will guide you trough different processes; Hormonal Replacement, Weight Loss Medication, Peptides, Anti-Aging Treatments and Body Contouring with high range of costumer Book your Free Consultation to have a talk about your different options

Our Treatments & Services

Your satisfaction is our ultimate priority. We strive to create a comfortable and supportive environment where you can feel confident and secure throughout your transformational journey.

Hormonal Replacement

Medical Weight Loss

Body Contouring


Peptide Therapy

Vitamin Therapy

Professional, Honest and caregivers!

The changes are real! If you do what you need to do and  go to your appointments, I can said for experience you will see the results you expected. They are family, they care about your health and how good you can look. Professional, Honest and caregivers. I love my results! I keep going for other Services, they are the BEST!!!

Mayra F.


They treat you like family!

Super professionals, they treat you like family, you feel good from the moment you arrive! And the results are amazing! I started on their weight loss program and feel amazing! Thank you ambrosia for helping me become more confident in myself

Jacqueline O.


I never felt this young!

My face looks so much smooth now I can broadcast my streams never felt this young. I've been coming to ambrosia for a couple months already, and can't express how amazing the services are! I've been getting my facials done by Adriana 10/10 recommended- amazing prices as well!

Fabiola A.


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Better Health through Better Living

  • Ambrosia Health Spa
  • (561) 287-1107
  • 136 S. Flamingo Rd. Pembroke Pines , Fl. 33027